Run Surveys Using SMS
With Texta, you can create SMS surveys in just a few clicks. Once created, just broadcast the SMS in bulk to your customers and wait for them to respond.
High Engagment
Get high engagement rates to your survey when sending via SMS.
Easy Customisation
In just a few clicks you can customise your SMS for each individual recipient. Then once created, you can broadcast the SMS survey in bulk.
instant notification
All incoming SMS poll responses are automatically emailed to you.
visual breakdown
Survey responses are compiled in easy to understand pie charts along with tabular responses giving you a visual breakdown of the most popular answers and responses.
Easy design
Create and design your SMS survey with easy steps.
Yes/No Campaigns
Yes/No campaigns are particularly beneficial for event RSVPs (Are you coming? Yes/No) and appointment confirmations (Are we still on for the meeting today? Yes/No).

We Are Always Focused On User EngagementAnd Productivity
Mobile marketers around the world are recognising the fact that SMS is the most efficient way to get instant traction with customers and prospects. So logically, they’re also a great way to get timely feedback through SMS polls.

24/7 real time Human support
We pride ourselves on our good old-fashioned Kiwi customer support. Give us a call if you would like to know more about Texta. We’d love to hear from you.